Busy Beyond Belief  

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How can I describe how busy we've been?  Melina has been cutting and cutting and cutting some more, trying to get some more bags done.  Remember that big order we mentioned?  Well, it looks like it's going to go through which means she needs to make 6 each of these:

And I have to make a dozen of these:

and another 12 pieces of jewelry that have not been decided upon.  It is not 100% confirmed but I would say it's at least 99.  We have until December to get it done so as long as carpal tunnel doesn't set in...

Other than that we have very little to report.  Got to work to pay the bills, come home and work to build the shop.  I can't believe how happy I am to be this busy.  Truly, this is what I want to do.

The most surprising thing  about Etsy for us is the degree to which it is a community.  The support between stores is amazing, the help that is offered and the promotion that happens amongst the different craftspeople.  It's an international site that has this amazing small town feel.  Loving it!

~ Denise

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