Bags Bags and more Bags!  

Friday, August 21, 2009

It's time for me to do some new projects, as I just finished sewing a large order. I've still got the hand sewing to do, but I'm thinking about what to make. And can I just say, I so love bags!

Love them. At work, I'll browse bags and accessories on-line (don't tell my boss, wink, wink). I'll look on Etsy of course, Matt & Nat and Bluefly and other site. Love it.

There is a trend of bags being larger, and I like that. I'm the mom-type, and tend to have everything one may need. So, at 5 foot 4" I know I look silly at times with a huge bag, but I don't care.

One day I'll have an industrial sewing machine, and I'll be able to make bags out of thicker material. With lots of pockets and hardware.


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