The Big Surprise  

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Yesterday, Denise and I rented a car, a lovely Ford Fusion, and drove down to the South Shore, and surprised the crap out of my sister, Melisa. She lives in a group home for the mentally handicapped or challenged. She might be challenged, but she is quick as a whip and has more mental facilities than a lot of 'normal' people I talk to everyday.

That, and she is just a complete rock star. Her life is pretty great. She competes in the Special Olympics, and goes to many a banquet and dance. She works, which I would pay money to see. There are several boyfriends. She has a roommate/bestie called Denice too. My sister kicks your sister's ass, sorry.

We took her out yesterday, bought her lunch in Lunenburg, visited our grandmother and walked her around the mall. Going to Hurtles beach was on our list, but it clouded over during lunch, and I did't want us to get rained on.

It was a really wonderful day. But for the first time, I wasn't yearning to move back. It is not my home anymore. The valley is my home in my mind. And where I want to go, ASAP. Don't get me wrong, I'd certainly have a summer home near a beach, but I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Weird.


- posted while I'm ruling my own media empire!

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