New Year  

Friday, January 7, 2011

Banshee, Zen Master. Or crazy kitty. Little from column A, a little from.....

This is the time we make changes, think about what we need to change. How did things go last year? What worked, what didn't? What do you really want, how are you going to get it?

Lots of questions, and sometimes not enough answers. Not much for navel gazing generally, this is the time when I do need to stop for a while and think, re-group and look for new ways to fill the well (creatively speaking). Props to Julia Cameron, man. Yes, that means Denise and I are doing our morning pages again. It helps. Like fiber, for your brain. Har, har.

We are planning new exciting things for the Etsy shop, had a great meeting last night with Kerry of Effiehandmade. We kicked some ideas around. Over beans and rice, of course.

So, now I need to get my butt in gear. I've to get organized, energized and caramelized. No wait, that's for the white sauce.

Good luck with your soul searching.

- Melina : D

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