Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I like to dream big and I refuse to apologize. When did it become a virtue to aim low? Because for some reason people seem to get their backs up over my attitude. "Be realistic", "Why do you think you should have that" they ask with the tone that tells me what they are really thinking; "Well she sure thinks she's something special!"
Why should I not have BIG success, HUGE achievements in my life? I got a late start moving forward because of a mid-twenties diagnosis of bi-polar disorder. Now that I can work consistently and I have control over my life, I want to turn the tables on people. I want to show them that being mediocre is not a badge of pride. I can want what I want; it doesn't make me selfish or self-centered. I also want to help people in a BIG way. I want to start charities that benefit animals, not just donate to ones that exist. I want to make a difference.
"Prove to me I DON'T deserve it" is what I'll say in my head next time someone gets an attitude with me. So there!!
~ Denise
May 20, 2009 at 5:49 PM
Go get them!!! We keep telling our kids that they should be the best that they can, do the best they can, and try hard at whatever they want to do!!
May 20, 2009 at 5:59 PM
Here here! You rock, and you deserve ALL the good things that are coming to you!!
May 20, 2009 at 8:35 PM
I think your attitude is just great..Why should be all dream big...it's not hurting anyone..I dream big all the time...It's my life and if that is what I want to do so be it...move out of my way or get run over...Keep dreaming big you'll get there one day...
May 21, 2009 at 10:40 AM
Great attitude! I hope you do show them all up and maybe they will lost their negative attitude.
May 21, 2009 at 7:21 PM
you can bet on it. there's nothing selfish about having a life you can be proud of and helping others.