Either We're Crazy or We Have an Addiction  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

We want to get to the country. We dream of moving and work our little butts off to get there. And when we get there we would like the aforementioned butts to be in fabulous shape. With this in mind, I downloaded some Zumba workouts. I had heard that it was fun, and as both Melina and I love to dance I thought 'What the heck, how hard can it be?"

Stupid stupid question. Zumba kicked our rapidly improving butts! And yet, as we struggled for breath, we still managed to have fun. WTF! Is that even possible? It was at this point that I began to question our sanity.

Fast forward to last week. We had been drooling over the Zumba Exhilarate 7 DVD set. I had trolled the internet daily trying to find the best deal and thought it would be Amazon. But of course by the time we had the money available the price had crept upwards. Huh? Was the world conspiring against our having nice bottoms?

Now, I never check Kijiji. I know people get fantastic deals but when you don't have a car it is just impossible to arrange for pickup. I don't know what made me check, but how surprised was I to find a great deal on what we wanted within a walkable distance!! Hallelujahs! *say that like Lafayette on True Blood, please.*

We told her we wanted it and arranged for pick-up. The only time she was available was between 8:30 and 9:00 AM on our day off. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? People are awake at 8:30 AM? Don't they know there is a better way to live?

So it's official, either we are crazy or we are addicted. But we have the Zumba set. And will soon have great butts.

~ Denise

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