Crazy Vacay Part Deux - Travel Log
Friday, November 9, 2012
A rented car for us always means one thing - driving to the Annapolis Valley! Love it there. It is where we always dream of having our house in the country, the end goal of all of our hard work. And trips to the Valley at this time of year mean something even more important: PUMPKIN PEOPLE!!!!
You may not know that this is my very favourite, bar none, thing in the whole entire world! I mean, an entire town (Kentville) gets together and puts these amazing pumpkin people down the main street. Every year there is a theme and this year seemed to be Pixar movies. We saw Shrek, Brave, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc. and tons more.
Come on! Are these not absolutely pure joy?? Everyone nearby should see these, and not just once. Every single year. No question. OMG I love them.
But on this day we did a little more. We also drove through the town of Canning, an absolutely beautiful place that has completely won us over. It has a great artistic community and the energy there is simply fantastic. Just past Canning is this beautiful spot.
I spoke in my previous post about how we visited Sackville, NB with the thought that we could live there someday. Here's the thing, as beautiful as everywhere else is, there is nowhere on the planet that gives us the feeling that the Valley does. There is a point on the highway on the way there that we come over a hill, and every time it is like I feel a huge exhale. It is the most amazing feeling: HOME. I have never had such an incredible sense of being exactly where I am supposed to be, and I know Melina feels the same way.
So, huge decision made. We have narrowed where we want to live down to an area (Canning) within the most perfect place on the planet to us (Valley).
Now the vacation time was not all play. We also spent some time coming up with a brand new product, and I think this is one that will definitely help to get us where we want to be. My idea, Melina's sewing.
* I used to be a cosmetician. I think about makeup a lot.
~ Denise
November 9, 2012 at 10:35 AM
Hell yeahhhhh we used to be cosmeticians! Good times hanging out at the old SDM!
November 9, 2012 at 11:18 AM
That's right lady!
December 16, 2021 at 12:43 AM
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